Sabtu, 30 November 2013

Tour Guiding : Lead Tour Groups

Could speak a range of languages, knowledgeable, friendly and flexible are not enough to be a good toue leader, but we must have a good communication too. Good communication skills are indicated by :

  1. Finding ways to make your clients feel as if they are a group of friends travelling together, not a herd of cattle being driven to the market.
  2. Always treating clients as human beings who want to maintain their pride and dignity at all times
  3. Finding ways of learing your individual clients special interset without inflicting them on the entire group
  4.  Being a good listener
  5. Having a sense of humor

And and forget to learn about leadership also, these involves :

  1. Being natural - respct from the group will come from the ability to handle occasionally difficult problems
  2. Being polite and congenial yet friendly and relaxed
  3. Having full control of any difficult situations in order to develop your client's sense of security
  4. Keeping your promises
  5. Being prompt and punctual at all times
  6. Being organized and be able to plan ahead
  7. Being professional
  8. Being perceptive

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